/* * Version: 1.0 * Author: Yilmaz Kiymaz (@VoxelBoy) * Purpose: To be able to change the pivot of Game Objects * without needing to use a separate 3D application. * License: Free to use and distribute, in both free and commercial projects. * Do not try to sell as your own work. Simply put, play nice * Contact: VoxelBoy on Unity Forums */
/* * TODO: * - Doesn't work properly with rotated objects. * - Can't compensate for the positioning of Mesh Colliders. * - Need to figure out if the "Instantiating mesh" error in Editor is a big issue, if not, how to supress it. * - Allowing the pivot to move outside the bounds of the mesh, * - ideally using the movement gizmo but only affecting the pivot. */
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
publicclassSetPivot : EditorWindow {
Vector3 p; //Pivot value -1..1, calculated from Mesh bounds Vector3 last_p; //Last used pivot
GameObject obj; //Selected object in the Hierarchy MeshFilter meshFilter; //Mesh Filter of the selected object Mesh mesh; //Mesh of the selected object Collider col; //Collider of the selected object
bool pivotUnchanged; //Flag to decide when to instantiate a copy of the mesh
[MenuItem ("GameObject/Set Pivot")] //Place the Set Pivot menu item in the GameObject menu staticvoidInit () { SetPivot window = (SetPivot)EditorWindow.GetWindow (typeof (SetPivot)); // Initialize the variables by calling RecognizeSelectedObject on the class instance window.RecognizeSelectedObject(); window.Show (); }
voidOnGUI() { if(obj) { if(mesh) { p.x = EditorGUILayout.Slider("X", p.x, -1.0f, 1.0f); p.y = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Y", p.y, -1.0f, 1.0f); p.z = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Z", p.z, -1.0f, 1.0f); if(p != last_p) { //Detects user input on any of the three sliders //Only create instance of mesh when user changes pivot if(pivotUnchanged) mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh; pivotUnchanged = false; UpdatePivot(); last_p = p; } if(GUILayout.Button("Center")) { //Set pivot to the center of the mesh bounds //Only create instance of mesh when user changes pivot if(pivotUnchanged) mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh; pivotUnchanged = false; p = Vector3.zero; UpdatePivot(); last_p = p; } GUILayout.Label("Bounds " + mesh.bounds.ToString()); } else { GUILayout.Label("Selected object does not have a Mesh specified."); } } else { GUILayout.Label("No object selected in Hierarchy."); } }
//Achieve the movement of the pivot by moving the transform position in the specified direction //and then moving all vertices of the mesh in the opposite direction back to where they were in world-space voidUpdatePivot() { Vector3 diff = Vector3.Scale(mesh.bounds.extents, last_p - p); //Calculate difference in 3d position obj.transform.position -= Vector3.Scale(diff, obj.transform.localScale); //Move object position //Iterate over all vertices and move them in the opposite direction of the object position movement Vector3[] verts = mesh.vertices; for(int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++) { verts[i] += diff; } mesh.vertices = verts; //Assign the vertex array back to the mesh mesh.RecalculateBounds(); //Recalculate bounds of the mesh, for the renderer's sake //The 'center' parameter of certain colliders needs to be adjusted //when the transform position is modified if(col) { if(col is BoxCollider) { ((BoxCollider) col).center += diff; } elseif(col is CapsuleCollider) { ((CapsuleCollider) col).center += diff; } elseif(col is SphereCollider) { ((SphereCollider) col).center += diff; } } }
//Look at the object's transform position in comparison to the center of its mesh bounds //and calculate the pivot values for xyz voidUpdatePivotVector() { Bounds b = mesh.bounds; Vector3 offset = -1 * b.center; p = last_p = new Vector3(offset.x / b.extents.x, offset.y / b.extents.y, offset.z / b.extents.z); }
//When a selection change notification is received //recalculate the variables and references for the new object voidOnSelectionChange() { RecognizeSelectedObject(); }
//Gather references for the selected object and its components //and update the pivot vector if the object has a Mesh specified voidRecognizeSelectedObject() { Transform t = Selection.activeTransform; obj = t ? t.gameObject : null; if(obj) { meshFilter = obj.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter; mesh = meshFilter ? meshFilter.sharedMesh : null; if(mesh) UpdatePivotVector(); col = obj.GetComponent(typeof(Collider)) as Collider; pivotUnchanged = true; } else { mesh = null; } } }